goodbye to snow
Today I decided, I dress warmly and go for a last walk on what remains of the snow. I will be able to find a small uncut and snowy path among the trees ...
I want to step on again, the melancholy white silence of a winter day. I want to wet my hair with the humid fog, smell the scent of firs, pines and beeches, now awakened.
All muffled and still. I hope that the days like this will soon become just a memory. I need sun, warmer temperatures, calm wind.
I have to shake off all the gray and let the absolute green triumph. Pale and juicy green of the first leaves on the elderberries, the blossoming of the buds on the hawthorn flowers, the new buds of unknown bulbs, the tender primroses, violets, daisies, the first wild orchids.In just over a month, as if by magic, there will be a riot of blooms.
The Etruscan violets will have taken over and the brooms will begin to blossom, up to dominate everything else.
A sea of yellow, mixed the buttercups and dandelions, yellow daisies and other flowers, always of the same color ...
Afterwards, season permitting, once the orange yellow of the broom forest has faded, the supremacy of violet, pink or more reddish, of the vetchies, of the clover, of the sainfoin will return ...
And all around that fantastic bright green of the thousand herbs that live up here, in these prairies.