Taking pictures with a cell phone, a cheap cell phone, with poor memory, means that you have to continuously download images to your PC. For someone like me, completely lacking in archiving and subdivision methods, it means losing everything contstantly... Maybe not forever, but certainly for a long time, especially the one where you remember taking something that would be useful, but who knows where it went ...
Today, after almost 2 years, I accidentally found, in a remote folder "moss and lichens", this pretty tit and a sprig adorned with moss ... (the tit has to do with everything, because it is on a mossy branch)
Up here there is only the embarrassment of choice. Mosses of
various shades, soft, a few cm high, others smooth like a golf course and
velvety, others yellow, or orange, burnt brown, apple green ... clinging to
trees, on the stem, on the branches, at the roots ... or on the stones or on the
bare ground. With their green and gray lichens, sprawling, branched, huddled
among the thorns of bare thorns, acacias… wedged between the grooves of the
trunks of elderberries, maples twisted by the wind.
They are also a free show, actors of small enchanted glimpses, of these places, uncultivated and wild, which every day give new colors to savor.