Sunday topics.
The topics to talk or write about are endless. However, the right input is not always found.
By now you will have guessed my meteoropathy. The sun inspires and the rain, at the moment, drowns me.
In spring you would like the sun every day (but it wouldn't be spring ...), because the dark rainy days in April are good for the plants, but bad for my mood.
The sun now sets later, but in reality it is never enough. You would like the day to last at least 48 hours, there are so many things to do now. If it rains, skip everything and you feel inconclusive and exhausted at the same time.
The grass grows as you look at it and the lawn needs to be mowed. The flowers must be planted, the roses and lavenders pruned, the laurel ... The pots for the geraniums must be prepared, the weeds removed ...
If it rains, you get confused. If I get confused, I do it for days… and I lose the rhythm.
I'm complicated: I love winter rain, summer storms, but the rain in spring slows me down.
Spring is an awakening, but all this spinning energy upsets you. It wakes you up and exhausts you together.
I can't stand here talking about time again. I have to act !!
(I'll do it this afternoon, a small esploit, when he says that it clears ... Now I have a bird listening session and a nap awating me).