You will return.
Waiting for the new brood.One last photo, posing for the farewell ... I will miss you, little creatures.
> The Blue Tit is among the most widespread species as nesting in Italy. The breeding period begins in late February. It nests in any hollow of trees, stumps, walls or in artificial nests. The same nest is used year after year and constantly protected during the hatching. If the Blue Tit is disturbed while it is in the nest, not only is it not frightened but, to deceive the predator, it emits a hiss similar to that of snakes to frighten the aggressor ... Between April and May it normally lays 7-10 eggs, with white shell mottled with dark spots, brood for about 15 days. The chicks are then looked after by both parents for another 15-20 days. <
Every day I spent time observing, the indefatigable parents, in an incessant coming and going and then listening to your twittering. As in the note above, "copied" from the web, I felt the amazement of hearing the hiss of a snake ...
I was afraid that a rat snake had climbed up to the mailbox, to eat its eggs, but then I realized that it was my presence that triggered this kind of alarm signal. In the end you realized that I was not a threat, indeed I contributed to the "meals" ...
In the last week, your "cries" had become acute, for a request for food, more and more pressing ... By now I could approach without alarming any of you and therefore I collected every day, spiders and flies, to alleviate some travel poor relatives ...
I hope you will return again, to your old nest, as you have been doing for 10 years now.
Your spring accommodation, that battered mailbox, filled almost to the brim with moss, sheep fluff, horsehair and stalks of dry grass ... awaits you, for years and years to come, no one will dare touch it.